The SNMREC Preferred Partner Program is an opportunity for our industry partners to collaborate more fully with the Center. This program is designed to dedicate SNMREC experts and resources to individual industry partner development needs.
Education & Outreach

Solar energy, wind power, even biofuels have become familiar concepts to the American public. In contrast, marine renewable energy is new and relatively unknown. Because the potential exists for a robust new industry to develop in Florida associated with commercial-scale deployments of open-ocean generating systems and OTEC plants, it is important for the public to develop a better understanding of this renewable resource. To that end, SNMREC has undertaken a broad program of public education and outreach.
Marine renewable energy presents a marvelous opportunity for teachers to engage their students in a new, exciting topic that offers a hidden benefit: in learning about how the oceans can act as a renewable energy source for the future, students are exposed to various topics in the fundamentals of physics and the earth sciences.
Because there will be the need for a substantial workforce, should the marine renewable energy industry take root in southeast Florida, educating new generations of students on the topic is an important jump on the future. SNMREC’s curriculum development activities are providing a start toward this future.