The SNMREC Preferred Partner Program is an opportunity for our industry partners to collaborate more fully with the Center. This program is designed to dedicate SNMREC experts and resources to individual industry partner development needs.
SNMREC nurtures and encourages partner relationships with the full spectrum of organizations and agencies who participate in the growing Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) industry. These partners range from private developers and entrepreneurs to government agencies, to national energy laboratories, and universities. Partnership relationships vary from joint proposals, to industry-funded research projects, to consulting collaborations, to Memoranda of Understanding (MOU). Many opportunities are available, and often partnership relationships are built around a mutual Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA). This allows both parties to confidently exchange information for efficient and fruitful discussions. Please contact our Program Manager to learn more about becoming a SNMREC partner.
Prospective SNMREC partners often request to mutually execute a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement, or CDA. This agreement is sometimes also referred to as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Confidentiality Agreement, or Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA). Due to the restrictions our state of Florida university complies with, we have found it convenient to offer a CDA template that is approved in its current form without amendments. Often, the template is more than adequate for both parties, and we proceed by signing the personalized template. However, if any modifications are requested, we will engage our legal team to work out any terms or clauses that need revision. Instructions for using our template are:
- Download a copy of the template.
- Replace all references to COMPANY with your company name (including the header/footers).
- Fill out all contact and company-specific information, but leave the blanks for the execution date (this will be filled out when signatures are obtained).
- Sign two copies of the agreement, and send, fax, or scan to SNMREC. The correct contact information is on the downloaded template.
- We will have appropriate personnel from FAU sign the agreements and return an executed copy to your organization.
Please contact Gabriel Alsenas, with questions or for more information.