The SNMREC Preferred Partner Program is an opportunity for our industry partners to collaborate more fully with the Center. This program is designed to dedicate SNMREC experts and resources to individual industry partner development needs.
Technical Note TN-12-062
Reference: Hanson, H.P., 2012: Subsurface mooring stability in the presence of vertical shear. SNMREC-TN-12-0062, Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, Florida Atlantic University, 7 pp.
Abstract: Observations reveal significant vertical shear in the Florida Current that can occur on the scale of turbine rotors and that can reverse. Because ocean current turbines in the Florida Current will require anchored moorings, the dynamics of the moored systems in the presence of shear become a factor in design and deployment. Here, a simple analysis shows that the case of negative shear (slow current near the surface) is dynamically unstable for moored turbine systems.