The SNMREC Preferred Partner Program is an opportunity for our industry partners to collaborate more fully with the Center. This program is designed to dedicate SNMREC experts and resources to individual industry partner development needs.
TN-11-254 Energy from the Oceans: The New Renewable
SNMREC, 2011: Energy from the Ocean: The New Renewable. SNMREC-TN-11-254, Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, Florida Atlantic University, 335 pp.
Abstract: Energy from the Oceans: The New Renewable is a secondary school curriculum in six lessons:
- Lesson 1: Why do we need renewable energy?
- Lesson 2: How is electricity generated?
- Lesson 3: How do we identify ocean currents with the best potential for producing energy?
- Lesson 4: Harnessing energy from ocean currents: the new renewable
- Lesson 5: What are the environmental impacts of ocean energy?
- Lesson 6: The future of ocean energy
Note: Additional material for lessons available only on distribution CD. Contact us for additional information.