O.T.E.C. Research
Learn about Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion and our contributions in this area.
Technology Testing
Find out about our onshore and offshore marine renewable energy technology experiments and testing.
Learn about how we are assisting the development of regulatory framework for marine renewables.
Technology Development
Browse our marine renewable energy technology development projects.
Environmental Assessment
See how we are helping better understand marine environments where energy capture devices will be installed.
Resource Characterization
Download data and view analysis of marine renewable energy resources.
Working to help accelerate the commercial implementation of marine renewables for a more diversified and sustainable energy future.
The Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center at Florida Atlantic University seeks to advance the science and technology of recovering energy from the oceans’ renewable resources, with special emphasis on those resources available to the southeastern US: initially focusing on ocean currents and offshore thermal resources. By playing a leadership role, the SNMREC helps promote economic development and energy independence for the nation.
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